Artículos científicos
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Engagement of early career researchers in collaborative assessments of IPCC reports: achievements and insights
(Frontiers in Climate, 2024-07)Resumen
The participation of a diverse –in terms of geography, discipline and gender– group of Early Career Researchers (ECRs) in the peer review process can help alleviate the workload of senior researchers and counteract the ... -
Verificación de pronósticos por ensamble en alta resolución generados a partir del Sistema de Asimilación de Datos y Pronóstico Numérico del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional en dos casos de estudio
(Servicio Meteorológico Nacional. Dirección Nacional de Ciencia e Innovación en Productos y Servicios. Dirección de Productos de Modelación Ambiental y de Sensores Remotos, 2024-04)Resumen
En este trabajo se busca evaluar el desempeño de los pronósticos probabilísticos en alta resolución (4 km) generados a partir del Sistema de Asimilación de datos y Pronóstico numérico del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional ... -
Towards a South American High Impact Weather Reports Database
(Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2024-04-05)Resumen
Despite Southern South America being recognized as a hotspot for deep convective storms, little is known about the socio-environmental impacts of high impact weather (HIW) events. Although there have been past efforts ... -
The UV Index color palette revisited
(Elsevier, 2023-04-27)Resumen
The UV Index (UVI), standardized by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2002, is an internationally accepted reference for disseminating information on solar UV radiation levels with the purpose of preventing the harmful ... -
High-Resolution NWP Forecast Precipitation Comparison over Complex Terrain of the Sierras de Cordoba during RELAMPAGO-CACTI
(American Meteorological Society, 2022-02)Resumen
Sierras de Cordoba (Argentina) is characterized by the occurrence of extreme precipitation events during the austral warm season. Heavy precipitation in the region has a large societal impact, causing flash floods. This ... -
Estudio climatológico de niebla en aeropuertos argentinos
(Centro Argentino de Meteorólogos, 2022-07)Resumen
Este trabajo presenta un estudio climatológico sobre niebla utilizando reportes aeronáuticos horarios (METAR) para el período 2000-2019 en los siguientes aeropuertos con distintos entornos geográficos: Ezeiza, Aeroparque, ... -
Evaluación de diferentes estrategias para la generación de sistemas de predicción por conjuntos regionales de escala convectiva en un caso de precipitación intensa
(Centro Argentino de Meteorólogos, 2022-12)Resumen
El pronóstico por conjuntos constituye una metodología consolidada para incorporar la incertidumbre asociada a los pronósticos en diversas escalas espaciales y temporales. En particular, en la mesoescala, no es claro aún ... -
The false alarm/surprise trade‑of in weather warnings systems: an expected utility theory perspective
(Springer, 2022-05)Resumen
Early warning systems for weather events are becoming widespread as technological capacities develop. For warnings to be efective, they must allow enough lead time to deploy protective measures yet the earlier a warning ... -
Thunderstorm days over Argentina: Integration between human observations of thunder and the world wide lightning location network lightning data
(International Journal of Climatology, 2022-07)Resumen
Las tormentas son uno de los fenómenos más peligroso de la naturaleza, es por eso que conocer su distribución espacial y su evolución en el tiempo es de gran interés para la protección de la sociedad, así como para planificar ... -
Are We at Risk of Losing the Current Generation of Climate Researchers to Data Science?
(Servicio Meteorológico Nacional, 2022)Resumen
Las salidas de los modelos climáticos han crecido progresivamente en las últimas décadas y se espera que continúen aumentando en el futuro. Consecuentemente, el tiempo de investigación dedicado por científicos jóvenes ... -
Mortality risk during heat waves in the summer 2013-2014 in 18 provinces of Argentina: Ecological study
(Servicio Meteorológico Nacional. Dirección Nacional de Ciencia e Innovación en Productos y Servicios. Dirección Central de Monitoreo del Clima., 2022-05)Resumen
Increased frequency of heat waves (HWs) is one of the prominent consequences of climate change. Its impact on human health has been mostly reported in the northern hemisphere but has been poorly studied in the southern ... -
Impacto de la inclusión del nudging espectral en los análisis y pronósticos regionales generados con el LETKF-WRF
(Meteorologica, 2021-08)Resumen
En este trabajo se propone un posible tratamiento para sortear estas dificultades examinando la sensibilidad en los análisis y pronósticos de un sistema regional de asimilación de datos y pronóstico por ensamble Local ... -
Convective-Storm Environments in Subtropical South America from High-Frequency Soundings during RELAMPAGO-CACTI
(Monthly Weather Review, 2021-04-20)Resumen
During the Remote Sensing of Electrification, Lightning, and Mesoscale/Microscale Processes with Adaptive Ground Observations-Cloud, Aerosol, and Complex Terrain Interactions (RELAMPAGO-CACTI) field experiments in 2018–19, ... -
Patterns and trends of ozone and carbon monoxide at Ushuaia (Argentina) observatory
(Elsevier, 2021-06)Resumen
The behavior patterns for surface ozone (O3) and carbon monoxide (CO) were investigated with the hourly mixing ratios registered for nine years (2010 to 2018) at the GAW-WMO (Global Atmospheric Watch – World Meteorological ... -
Comparison of OMI-DOAS total ozone column with ground-based measurements in Argentina
(Asociación Española de Teledetección, 2020-10-12)Resumen
En este trabajo se comparan mediciones de columna total de ozono (CTO) del Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI/NASA EOS-Aura), con observaciones terrestres de instrumentos Dobson y SAOZ para el periodo 2004–2019 y 2008–02/2020, ... -
Characterization of Stratospheric Smoke Particles over the Antarctica by Remote Sensing Instruments
(Remote Sensing, 2020-11-17)Resumen
Australian smoke from the extraordinary biomass burning in December 2019 was observed over Marambio, Antarctica from the 7th to the 10th January, 2020. The smoke plume was transported thousands of kilometers over the ... -
A Workshop on the Next-Generation Environmental Satellite Constellations
(Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2020-06)Resumen
Twenty-four young graduate students and early-career professionals from 10 countries, having varied backgrounds with planned applications for the new-generation environmental satellites, attended a summer school to take ... -
Multi-decadal surface ozone trends at globally distributed remote locations
(Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 2020)Resumen
Extracting globally representative trend information from lower tropospheric ozone observations is extremely difficult due to the highly variable distribution and interannual variability of ozone, and the ongoing shift ... -
Backward Adaptive Brightness Temperature Threshold Technique (BAB3T): A Methodology to Determine Extreme Convective Initiation Regions Using Satellite Infrared Imagery
(Remote Sensing, 2020-01)Resumen
Thunderstorms in southeastern South America (SESA) stand out in satellite observations as being among the strongest on Earth in terms of satellite-based convective proxies, such as lightning flash rate per storm, the ... -
Volcanic ash forecast using ensemble-based data assimilation: an ensemble transform Kalman filter coupled with the FALL3D-7.2 model (ETKF–FALL3D version 1.0)
(Geoscientific Model Development, 2020-01)Resumen
Quantitative volcanic ash cloud forecasts are prone to uncertainties coming from the source term quantification (e.g., the eruption strength or vertical distribution of the emitted particles), with consequent implications ...